Welcome to Real Simple Food where I share my recipes and tips and tricks for making the most of our increasingly eclectic pantries.

Why subscribe?

For the time being, Real Simple Food is a free newsletter but a subscription ensures you will never miss one of my posts. If you subscribe you can expect to receive a new edition of this newsletter directly in your inboxes once a week, generally on a Sunday. There will be a mix (about 50/50) of recipes and my general musings about all things food - including Ingredient Spotlights like this one on Sumac, newsletters exploring variations on a theme (like this post with ideas for what to bake and what desserts to make now Spring is here), recipe round-ups, tips and tricks all around baking and making desserts etc. 

The recipes will mostly be for desserts, cakes and other (sweet) baked goods and will typically feature ingredients we already know but that are used in an unusual way (like this Prune and Chinese Five Spice Sticky Toffee Pudding with Miso Butterscotch Sauce or this Preserved Lemon Drizzle Cake), unusual (in my part of the world) ingredients like these Hojicha Madeleines; as well as flavours and flavour combinations that I think deserve more time in the spotlight.

And while I will try my best to demystify lesser known ingredients or techniques, this is not the type of newsletter that will go through 10(+) rounds of testing different brownie recipes to come up with the allegedly definitive brownie recipe - I think there are others who do this much better than I ever could, like Nicola Lamb’s Kitchen Projects for example. My hope for this newsletter is simply that it will encourage you to look at your pantry and spice cupboard in a new way and see their hidden potential to create even more delicious cakes, baked goods and desserts! And if you try one of my recipes I would love to hear about it!

A tiny bit about me:

While my day job involves advising one of the largest tech companies on the intricacies of EU competition law as an in-house lawyer, I have been developing recipes and writing about food in one form or another for over 10 years. The way some people keep diaries, I have a growing stack of Moleskine notebooks where I take notes on meals I particularly enjoyed both at home and during my travels, jot down recipe and menu ideas and track my recipe development projects. And some of those ideas inevitably make their way into this newsletter. My recipes and photos have appeared online and in print in various spaces, including the Guardian, the Telegraph, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Food52, the Huffington Post and Buzzfeed. And together with my friend Kaja Hengstenberg (of Krümel, Stockholm fame), I used to host the Two Kitchen Brussels Supperclubs and cooking classes (and take on the odd catering job) here in Brussels.

Click below to subscribe and I hope you enjoy reading along!

Subscribe to Real Simple Food

Recipes, tips and tricks and musings about all things food and our increasingly eclectic pantries.


Lawyer by day, recipe developer/food writer by night. One time supper club host. Subscribe for an eclectic mix of recipes, how-tos, tips & tricks and musings on all things food.